Thursday, December 29, 2005

[G] In my mind... (part 2)

part: (1) | [2] | (3)

I still have these images of you in my mind
thoughts of you and me so happy and free
I think back, smile, and feel a glimmer of hope
that maybe someday you will come back to me

I sigh and stare at the patterns in the ceiling
I feel a deep emptiness, I think it was a theft
of my heart and my soul mate who has gone far away
it was only a month ago that you left

I force myself to replay the sweet visions
but my mind is busy and begins to wander
I don't understand why this happened
was I bad or is it bad karma, I continue to ponder

There's no way to reach you or see you again
I want to scream that I love you
I want to refill this nothingness inside
but there is nothing to say and nothing to do

I drift into a trance with a tear in my eye
the images are so clear when I'm fast alseep
I wish I could just be here forever
with my visions, the visions of you that I keep

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